Reclaim Pet/Found Pet

Reclaiming your lost pet from S.A.M.

Procedures and fees for reclaiming your pet from Stray Animals Matter will depend on a number of factors including how the animal arrived at our shelter and from which area, services that have provided during his or her stay (vaccinations and veterinary care), how long the pet has been held at our shelter, fees assessed by your municipality or restrictions placed upon us by the animal control officer who picked up your pet. All animlas will be vaccinated upon intake as per veterinary protocol. You will be responsible to reimburse S.A.M. for the vaccines given; the fee is $32 per vaccine. Pets that have been housed under court order or quarantine will be assessed separate fees.  All fees will be required to be paid in full at time of reclaim. 
 Any person reclaiming a pet will be required to fill out  statements of reclaim (dependent on city or town) as well as providing a copy of their drivers license or ID as required by the Missouri Dept of Agriculture. Any person reclaiming a pet will need to show proof of ownership eitehr by mricochip information or pet records for the animal .

Some fees are:
$75 intake fee to shelter
$32 for required per vaccination
$29.10 per day care (boarding) charge
Extra charges are assessed for veterinary exams and treatments

2CSR 30-9 (H) 13.
13) Holding Period. (A) Any live dog or cat, other than owner-relinquished or feral animals which are acquired by an animal shelter or contract kennel shall be held for a period of not less than Three (3) business days before offering for adoption 

Order your Pet Food at and Stray Animals Matter will get a $20 donation!

life is better with a cat