Low cost Spay Neuter Clinic

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Published: Jul. 13, 2024 at 10:29 PM CDT

MARIONVILLE, Mo. (KY3) — Each year, dozens of strays are left without a home due to overpopulation across our area, but for the first time in Lawrence County, a pet clinic has a solution to stop the trend.

“Finding low-cost TNR services locally has been extremely hard,” said Cindy Miller, founder of Stray Animals Matter.

In Marionville, the number of strays has nearly doubled over the last few years, leaving many without homes. Since 2020, there’s been a struggle to find spay and neuter availability, and it’s become even worse.

”When the pandemic hit, they kind of shut everything down and wasn’t able to give us as many appointments,” said Miller.

The founder says she’s had to travel over an hour to other clinics or sometimes Arkansas to get the spay and neuter resources she believes the town desperately needs.

”It’ll help dramatically. Mount Vernon, of course. We have no pound. No resources at all,” she said.

This is the reality of many towns scattered across Lawrence County. However, one rescuer says she is doing everything possible to help backtrack the overgrowing population of strays.

”From Monett to Mount Vernon to Marionville to Billings, they have no facility for them,” said Miller.

However, through a partnership with Center Creek, Veterinarian leaders say the new clinic will not only cut travel but also help cut costs.

“Now that there is low-cost spay and neuter in different areas and only one now in Lawrence County that people can afford it now,” said Wilson. “That’s where the need is. It’s not only going to be in Lawrence County. I mean, we’re going to help in Barry County. I mean, we’re going to help cats even up in Springfield. I mean, all the shelters are full. They’re just not having room.”


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Order your Pet Food at Chewy.com and Stray Animals Matter will get a $20 donation!

life is better with a cat